
The following provides links and references to works related to the calculation of our football player ratings.

Academic papers

L. M. Hvattum, M.-A. Kriegl and M. Čulík. Identifying talent with plus-minus ratings in association football. In Y. Dominicy and C. Ley, editors, Statistics Meets Sports: What We Can Learn from Sports Data, pages 175–200. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle,UK, 2023.

H. Van Eetvelde, L. M. Hvattum, and C. Ley. The probabilistic final standing calculator: a fair stochastic tool to determine the final ranking of abruptly  stopped football seasonsAStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 107:251–269, 2023.

A. Groll, L. M. Hvattum, C. Ley, F. Popp, G. Schauberger, H. Van Eetvelde, and A. Zeileis. Hybrid Machine Learning Forecasts for the UEFA EURO 2020. CoRR, arXiv:2106.05799, June, 2021.

G. Pantuso and L. M. Hvattum. Maximizing performance with an eye on the finances: a chance-constrained model for football transfer market decisions. TOP, 29:583–611, 2021.

H. Arntzen and L. M. Hvattum. Predicting match outcomes in association football using team ratings and player ratings. Statistical Modelling, 21:449470, 2021.

L. M. Hvattum and G. A. Gelade. Comparing bottom-up and top-down ratings for individual soccer players. International Journal of Computer Science in Sport, 20:2342, 2021.

L. M. Hvattum. Offensive and defensive plus-minus ratings for soccer. Applied Sciences, 10:7345, 2020.

G. A. Gelade and L. M. Hvattum. On the relationship between +/- ratings and event-level performance statistics. Journal of Sports Analytics,  6:8597, 2020.

L. M. Hvattum. A comprehensive review of plus-minus ratings for evaluating individual players in team sports. International Journal of Computer Science in Sport, 18:123, 2019.

O. D. Sæbø and L. M. Hvattum. Modelling the financial contribution of soccer players to their clubs. Journal of Sports Analytics, 5:23–34, 2019.

O. D. Sæbø and L. M. Hvattum. Evaluating the efficiency of the association football transfer market using regression based player ratings. In NIK: Norsk Informatikkonferanse, 12 pages. Bibsys Open Journal Systems, 2015.Č

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